这所位于弗吉尼亚州的平价大学预科高中确实是一个充满理解之心的社区, where each girl is known and valued. 我们的核心价值观是尊重、正直、善良和服务,这是我们所做一切的核心. Girls thrive intellectually, 社会, 情感上,因为我们的培育社区和强大的价值观促进了这些领域的发展.
——艾米丽·S. ’24
——Camie D. ’24
“If you come to Foxcroft, 你会受到一个包容的社区的欢迎,你会找到你的朋友. 对我来说,我的同学就像我的家人,我知道他们会支持我.”
Five Dorms with Dedicated 教师
Foxcroft has five dormitories that each house between 20-45 girls. 宿舍团队由四名专职教师和几名学生领导组成,负责管理宿舍生活和日常事务.
福克斯克罗夫特的每个女孩都与她的指导老师建立了一种特殊的、独特的关系. Through weekly meetings, shared meals in the Dining 大厅 or in the advisor’s home, and other activities, girls find their advisors to be a source of support away from home.
上星期五晚上, 国际联欢会和义卖是国际周期间为期一周的庆祝活动的最后一个节日. As participants took to the stage dancing, 唱歌, 和更多的, 学生和教师都对福克斯克罗夫特社区所代表的多元文化有了更深的了解——掌声和欢呼声从福克斯猎犬礼堂(FoxHound Auditorium)传出,经过学校一楼的义卖桌.
The Foxcroft community happily spread holiday cheer last weekend. 从周五晚上对社区服务的反思和全校范围的装饰派对开始,一直持续到周日传统圣诞游行结束时圣诞老人的入场, it was impossible not to be in the spirit of the season!
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Spanish Club and Foxcroft community celebrated this year's theme “Deja tu Huella” (leave your mark), which was spoken about by the Spanish Club members. 许多学生谈到了那些在他们身上留下印记的人,以及他们将如何在他们的社区留下印记,同时解释了主题的真正含义. The speeches were followed by an amazing Mexican dance known as “Balie Folklorico.这场表演是由萨曼莎·S·杰克逊(Samantha S .)的母亲请来的一个舞蹈团表演的. ‘27. Many thanks to her and the beautiful dancers!
上周五, 10月13日, 学校校长Cathy McGehee为领导日做了一个有趣而有意义的演讲,介绍了夏洛特小姐对福克斯克罗夫特的愿景. Beginning with some fun facts about Miss Charlotte’s childhood, including that she generally disliked school, 觉得很无聊, and having no interest in classes or studies, 夫人. 麦吉引用了夏洛特小姐开办福克斯克罗夫特的灵感——“学校应该是有趣的, study can be made interesting," she reportedly said — and so the School opened in 1914.
周日, 9月17日, 每个宿舍的学生都聚集在莱菲海默体育馆,参加“宿舍大战嘉年华”. 学生们穿着宿舍的颜色,参加了几个嘉年华游戏. 他们竞相赢得塑料斧头投掷和充气障碍赛等项目的入场券. Every time a student won a game, they earned one ticket. 一张票等于整个“宿舍大战”比赛的一分. 学生们在积累了门票后,会把它们放在一个罐子里,放在宿舍里. 在游戏间隙,学生们可以从小吃店买到爆米花、棉花糖或甜筒.
乔迪• 坎贝尔 joined Foxcroft as 教务长 in July 2022. Ms. 坎贝尔在接待寄宿学校的女生方面有着丰富的经验. She comes to Foxcroft from The Webb School in Bell Buckle, TN, where she served as Director of Social, 情感, and Academic Development. 在这个角色中, she developed and oversaw an SEL-based advisory program; implemented DEI initiatives, mediation programs to address student conflicts, and leadership programs; coordinated all student clubs and affinity groups; and created wellness lessons, among many initiatives. 她是中学女生宿舍的负责人,也是历史系的一员.
Prior to The Webb School, 她是奥林匹克谷斯阔谷学院的学术院长和大学咨询主任, CA, where she also taught social studies. 她之前的教学经验涵盖高中和大学水平的课程在Sage Ridge学校(Reno), NV); Wesley College (Dover, DE); and The University of Guelph (Ontario).
Ms. 坎贝尔得了B.A. in Early American 历史 from Dickinson College, an M.A. 他拥有特拉华大学博物馆研究证书和博士学位.D. (ABD) in history from University of Guelph. 终身学习者, 她获得了康奈尔大学的多元化和包容性证书以及罗格斯大学的社会情感和性格发展证书,继续她的学习和专业发展. She has attended many programs in mindfulness, responsive classrooms, successful advisories, and navigating social media and technology positively.
她和她的狗Sassafras(一只“被宠坏的迷你混合救援犬”)很高兴回到东海岸,在那里他们离她在特拉华州的家人更近. She loves to travel and is always planning her next trip, reading historical fiction, or cheering on the Yankees.
亚历克西斯 大厅
Assistant Dean for Student Experience
科琳 卡勒
Associate Dean of 住宅生活/Lead Dorm Parent
玛格丽特 “麦琪” 埃弗雷特
Assistant to the Office of Student Life/Lead Dorm Parent
Maggie 埃弗雷特 joined the Foxcroft Student Life team in July of 2023. She is also the Dorm Lead in Reynolds. 玛吉的成绩是B.A. in 表演艺术 from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island. 毕业后, Maggie was a teacher at the Marvelwood School in Kent, CT, where she attended high school. She taught learning support, 英语英语, and electives in a collection of topics including theater, 通信, 公众演讲, and creative writing. 在那里, Maggie was a Dorm Lead and taught specialized sessions on boundaries, 同意, and healthy relationships. 她还是大学篮球队的助理教练,并为学校的音乐剧编排舞蹈.
Maggie was born and raised in the Boarding School world. 她深刻理解私立教育的形成能力,并希望成为一个积极的拼图, 在她的职业生涯中,她寻求支持教育结构的调整,使其更加公平和容易获得.
在她空闲的时候, 她参加戏剧表演,喜欢和她的伴侣一起探索当地的餐馆, who is a new Math/Music teacher at Foxcroft. Maggie is a lover of animals and houseplants. She has two pets, a cat named Mocha and a rabbit named Daisy. Maggie is excited for warmer weather and new growth opportunities!
An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 福克斯克罗夫特为9-12年级的年轻女性在大学和生活中取得成功做好准备. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.