

Foxcroft is grateful to the many donors who, through their generosity and thoughtfulness, have provided the opportunity for future 学生 to attend our boarding school. 这些资金不需要额外的申请,并根据一般太阳城电子app申请的整体实力和捐助者规定的具体标准颁发. When paired with need-based assistance, 冠名奖学金可以取代FA奖的一部分,以允许资金用于支持其他学生.


  • Alexya Solomon '76基金

    Established in 2017 by the class of 1976 in memory of classmate Lexy, 此基金支持“李小姐”基金,以促进学生参与骑术计划.
  • 艾米·米克斯·波吉奖学金

    Established in 1997 to honor Amy Mix Poggi ‘81, 这个奖学金提供一个基于需求的奖励给那些表现出学术前途和社区服务承诺的女孩.
  • Audrey Meyer Mars Scholarship Fund

    奥黛丽·迈耶·玛斯奖学金基金是1997年为对科学和数学有浓厚兴趣的学生设立的一项基于成绩的奖项, and a commitment to community 服务. 
  • 巴特利特家庭阀杆奖学金

  • C. V. 斯塔尔奖学金

  • Celeste and Paul Bergan Financial Aid Fund

    塞莱斯特P. 保罗·K. Bergan Financial Aid Fund supports Foxcroft's 第二步计划, a program to significantly increase the School's financial aid endowment. 这项计划为那些被非营利组织推荐到福克斯克罗夫特的学生提供资金支持,这些非营利组织专门识别经济条件有限的天才学生.
  • 1949级奖学基金

    Established in 1999 by the Class of 1949 as their 50th 团聚 Gift, 这种以需求为基础的奖学金通过为未来几代女孩提供福克斯克罗夫特教育的机会来纪念她们的同学,并优先考虑福克斯克罗夫特校友的后代,这些人体现了幽默的品质, 弹性, 服务, and originality that characterized their highly individualistic class.
  • 2011级奖学金获得者

    由父母建立, 学生, 以及2011届毕业生的朋友们,让那些有天赋和野心的女孩能够进入福克斯克罗夫特.
  • Dede Pickering '71基金

    This merit-based scholarship fund established by Dede Pickering '71, 为校长提供资源,以确保福克斯克罗夫特能够继续招收有才能的学生, high achieving young women each year.
  • Elizabeth Dillingham Wick '38 Scholarship

    伊丽莎白·迪林厄姆·威克奖学金基金于2012年由已故伊丽莎白·迪林厄姆·威克的孩子们通过她的慈善信托基金成立,以纪念他们的母亲. 这种以需要和成绩为基础的奖学金通过为未来的年轻女性提供福克斯克罗夫特教育的机会来纪念伊丽莎白·迪林厄姆·威克的遗产.
  • 课外经验基金

    Established by Katherine Hastings '78, 该基金支持福克斯克罗夫特“我们所做的一切都是课程”的理念,帮助赞助课外体验,丰富福克斯克罗夫特的学术和住宿生活项目. The scholarship will be available for cultural, 其他财政援助和奖学金项目不支持的艺术和学术丰富活动. 学生可以申请资助与体验相关的任何部分费用,包括但不限于国内交通费, 食物, 酒店, 还有节目和活动门票.
  • 外事服务奖学金

    Establihsed in 1989 by Suzanne Kuser '49, 该基金为外交部或国务院雇员的子女提供奖学金.
  • Foxcroft Descendants Scholarship Fund

    Established in 1977 for daughters and granddaughters of alumnae .
  • Helen Campbell Kleberg Scholarship

    成立于1980年, 福克斯克罗夫特的第一个命名的捐赠奖学金基金是海伦·克莱伯格·格罗夫斯45岁和她父亲的礼物, 罗伯特J. 小Kleberg.的纪念. Groves' mother, Helen Campbell Kleberg.
  • 海明威奖学基金

    Established in 1998 in honor of Foxcroft teachers, 彼得和查尔·海明威, 该奖学金以实际需要为基础,优先考虑教育工作者的女儿.
  • Henry and Nancy Gerry Scholarship Memorial Fund

    他的家人和朋友于2001年成立了这个基金,以纪念亨利·阿弗里尔·格里, 女毕业生的丈夫, 女毕业生的父亲, 及终身受托人. It provides scholarship support to a girl who enjoys mathematics, and who through curiosity finds new challenges, and through patience finds solutions.
  • Hopelet奖学金

  • 它基金

    2008年匿名成立, this fund provides merit-based support to ITs (daughters and granddaughters of alumnae).
  • Jacqueline Badger Mars Scholarship Fund

    A merit scholarship awarded each year to a girl who shows a strong interest in civics, 政府, 她在学校可能担任的职位,如班长,所证明的领导能力或历史, leadership in community 服务 and outside clubs, 等.
  • 简·克拉克1973年奖学基金

    The Jane Clark Scholarship Fund was established in 2012 by Jane Clark '73. 这项以需求为基础的奖学金为那些表现出充分利用福克斯克罗夫特经历的热情的女孩提供福克斯克罗夫特教育.
  • 简·莫斯利·克劳福德

    这个基金, initiated by Ailsa Moseley Crawford '53 in memory of her daughter, 简77, 为福克斯克罗夫特的学生提供出国留学的机会,否则他们将无法参加这些项目. This scholarship has helped to send 学生 to France, 意大利, 西班牙, 墨西哥, 叙利亚, 约旦, 内罗毕, 立陶宛, 东欧, 英格兰, 泰国, 和秘鲁.
  • 杰斯Y. 沃马克二世奖学基金

    Established in 2008 by Lou Womack, 以纪念她的丈夫杰西, 这种择优奖学金使那些有热情的女孩更容易接受福克斯克罗夫特的教育.
  • 约瑟芬·金伯利·彼得森

    这项纪念奖学金于1997年由46岁的乔·金伯利·彼得森(Jo Kimberly Peterson)的家人发起. Grants from this fund are awarded based on need to girls who possess 幽默, 善良, 以及“回馈”的愿望, the qualities Jo Kimberly reflected in her own life.
  • Mary Custis Lee deButts '18 Scholarship

    Established by Jane deButts Kates '72 in loving memory of her grandmother, to provide merit scholarship support for a deserving student.
  • Mary Louise Leipheimer Scholarship

    Established in 2005 by a loyal Foxcroft family, the Leipheimer Scholarship is named in honor of Mary Louise Leipheimer. 前校长, Mary Lou devoted most of her professional career to Foxcroft before retiring in 2014. 她的四年奖学金被授予“一个拥有努力学习和尽情玩耍能力的学生”. This student demonstrates the qualities, often overlooked in young people, most exemplified by Mary Lou: honor, 奉献, 忠诚, 幽默, 优雅和善解人意的心."
  • “玛格丽特小姐”李基金

    一个骑马基金,让学生们发现马和人之间独特纽带的乐趣, 由一位匿名捐款人为纪念“玛格丽特”李小姐而设立,她的独特训练使她成为一个更明智的人,更好的骑手, and in honor of the wonderful Foxcroft horses who helped make her a kinder, 更有同情心的人.
  • Pickett Davis Randolph '56 Scholarship

    该基金的设立是为了向热爱体育运动并具有诚信的学生提供基于需求的援助, 诚实, a sense of 幽默 and an "understanding heart."
  • 读者文摘奖学金

    德威特华莱士基金有限公司., 1976年成立了这个基金会,为中等收入家庭的学生提供部分奖学金.
  • Robert Emmett Leisher Scholarship

    成立于2011年,以纪念前校长玛丽·路易斯·莱菲海默的兄弟和心爱的福克斯克罗夫特社区成员, 鲍勃Leisher. Although Bob was with the Foxcroft community a short time, he left a lasting impression on all who knew him. Whether walking his dog Dreamer around campus, enthusiastically cheering on his Hound team, or quietly enjoying a meal with faculty and 学生 alike, Bob was a “teacher” in his own right, 默默以身作则. 这项奖学金为一位优秀的学生提供了接受福克斯克罗夫特教育的机会,他是一位安静的领导者,体现了内心的力量, 幽默, 以及对户外活动的热爱. 
  • 露丝T. Bedford Merit Scholarship for the Arts

    露丝T. Bedford Merit Scholarships for the Arts honors Ms. 她支持那些和她一样热爱艺术的女孩,那些体现了她的冒险精神和进取心的女孩.
  • Scholarship/Financial Aid Endowment

    这项捐赠旨在增加合格女孩接受福克斯克罗夫特教育的机会, regardless of their family's financial resources. 这些捐赠确保了我们可以为即将太阳城电子app的学生提供所需的经济支持.
  • 第二步计划

    The 第二步计划 was established in 2007 to bring highly motivated, 为学业合格但经济条件有限的学生提供经济支持.
  • 特雷西·路易斯·美林奖学金

    1978年,约翰. 路易斯,小., this endowed scholarship offers tuition, 格兰特, and loan assistance for 学生 with proven financial need.
  • Virginia Cretella Mars Scholarship Fund

    The Virginia Cretella Mars Scholarhip Fund established in 1997, is a merit-based award to 学生 with a strong interest in literary, visual or performing arts and a commitment to community 服务.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.